Hey there in cyberspace!
So I hear you saying, 'Hey, Adam. I'm interested in your book, I've read the chapters I can for free on Kindle, but I'm not sure that I really want to spend five bucks on it.'
I get that. I've read books that start strong and then - pfft!
So here's what I'm going to do for you.
Starting TOMORROW - July 1st - and running THROUGH JULY - you'll be able to get the INDIVIDUAL BOOKS in The Cassidy Chronicles as standalone books on SMASHWORDS.COM
'Gee, that's nice and all, but why should I pay more to get each one?'
Ah, ah, ah! I wouldn't do you wrong!
There are THREE books - Run Like Hell, A Deadly Quest, and the never-before-published A Desperate Gambit - and, while they are exclusive to Smashwords in July, they will be $1.50 each.
You can get all three - comprising the entire text of The Cassidy Chronicles - for less than the omnibus edition!
In addition, on Smashwords, they're available in multiple formats, so if you have a KOBO instead of a KINDLE, you can get the right type of file.
Links are below - spread the news!


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